Arabische Pferde – IN THE FOCUS

Miteinander zum Sieg

Austrian Championships for Arabian Sport Horses

English Summary

The Austrian Sport Championships are organised since 1998 under the rules of the National Equestrian Federation of Austria. Unfortunately, the number of participants is stagnating and without opening the event for foreigners, it would not be possible to maintain it.
The participants came from Germany, Poland, Denmark, the UAE and Austria, and for the foreigners, the 30.000 € prize money helped to cover part of the costs for transportation.
The quality of the rides was very high, especially in the top ranks. Padrons Must with Tove Roye, who came all the way from Denmark, won four Gold Medals in Dressage and Classic Pleasure. Kaja Dembinska with Echo Apollo came from Poland and has improved a lot since last year, she achieved the Gold Medal in the Classic All-Round. The horses from the UAE achieved an impressive record of 1 x Gold, 2 x Silver and 3 x Bronze in various different disciplines, including Mounted Native Costume. From Germany, it was Sabrina Pauli with WAS Zahims Zarina, who were most successful by winning the Western All-Round. Further, two Gold medals for Trail and Reining went to the team of Gut Fronleitenhof in Austria, apart from three more Bronze medals.
But despite the competitiveness of the event, there was a spirit of “togetherness” among the riders, which made it easy for the foreign riders to feel welcome and at home. Another advantage of the event is that one can see other disciplines, too, e.g. Western riders could watch dressage tests, and vice versa, which normally does not happen. It was emphasized by many participants how important it is, to have such sport events and how much fun they are.
The event is an excellent test for rider and horses who want to go to the European Championships later on in the year, as it offers most of the disciplines – or where else can you ride Mounted Native Costume, Ladies Sidesaddle or Classic Pleasure? It would be wonderful to have similar events, Western and Classic combined, in more countries in Europe, to show the versatility of the Arabian horse.

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