Arabische Pferde – IN THE FOCUS

The “Case Pianissima”

The course of events that led to the death of the mare Pianissima according to the stud employees and the veterinary doctors reads as follows: “Pianissima took part in the breeding survery the day before and everyone could see she was in excellent condition. Marek Trela left for Rome, where he received the information that the mare showed symptoms of colic. At 15.45h a stable hand observed the symptoms: Pianissima was lying down and rolling. She was given analgesic and relaxant medication, and when rectal examination confirmed the colic she was immediately driven to the veterinary clinic in Warsaw (169 km from Janow Podlaski), where the surgery started at 19.45 h. It revealed volvulus with substantial rotation and colon fracture. In consultation with the director, the decision was taken to euthanize the mare.”
Colonic volvulus is a serious and often mortal condition, which cannot be predicted or prevented from happening. If there is more than an hour from diagnosis to surgery, the chances of the horse’s survival are minimal. The surgery can only be performed in a clinic, by qualified personnel and cannot be attempted in field conditions.