Arabische Pferde – IN THE FOCUS

Al Adeed Al Shaqab comes to Europe!

Al Adeed Al Shaqab – ein Weltstar kommt zurück nach Europa. Foto: G. Waiditschka / IN THE FOCUS

A very special “birthday present” received Al Adeed Al Shaqab (Ansata Halim Shah / Sundar Alisayyah) for his 20th birthday: A trip to Europe, to make some mares happy (or their owners).
He was one of the first real “Show Stars” from the Middle East and he left all shows at which he competed – with one exception – as Champion; his show carreer reached its culmination when he was awarded with the World Champion Title in Paris in 2003. After this time, most of his foals in Europe were born. He has been used as sire for 15 years now, leaving about 150 foals so far, of which many have become show stars themselves, especially in the Middle East.
At the WAHO Conference in November 2014 in Doha, Qatar, Al Adeed Al Shaqab was presented to the spectators in old freshness. He impressed, as before, with his charisma, his type and his very special character. Unfortunately, he lost an eye by a tumor two years ago, but this doesn’t seem to bother him much.
With Al Adeed Al Shaqab, the European breeders have one of the last Ansata Halim Shah sons at their disposal; he will be standing at Capacci Arabians in Italy.

Al Adeed Al Shaqab mit 19 Jahren, Nov. 2014 in Qatar. Foto: G. Waiditschka / IN THE FOCUS