Arabische Pferde – IN THE FOCUS

Kauber Platte 2016 – with Amateur-Cup!

International Amateur Cup at the Kauber Platte show

Toni Baumann gibt Vorführkurse für Amateure. Foto: O. Seitz / IN THE FOCUS

Toni Baumann offers clinics how to show horses for Amateurs. Foto: O. Seitz / IN THE FOCUS

On 6th and 7th August 2016, an international Amateur Cup will take place during the Kauber Platte Championships. This will give the “small breeders” and owners of Arabian horses the opportunity, to participate in the show with their horses and show them themselves, without being in competition with the professional handlers.
So far, people asked themselves: “How can I do this?” or “how to prepare my horse for such a show?”
To give amateurs a good and fair start in this new event, Toni Baumann has decided to give training clinics regularl for Amateurs at the Kauber Platte Trainings Center, in order to support any interested amateur professionally. You can participate with your own horse, or you will have the opportunity to use one of the horses of the stud.
The clinics will be held regularly to prepare for the coming show season and in several training sessions and practical courses you will learn everything you need to start at a show. It is aimed to form a group that will participate with their horses at shows and have fun! Toni Baumann will accompany this group of amateurs and help them during the event.

If you are interested, to participate in this new idea, you’ll find further information here:
Toni Baumann, Mobil: 0170-4622035