Arabische Pferde – IN THE FOCUS

The “Triple Crown” Shows 2016

The show season has come to an end, and we reminisce about the three big shows, the All Nations Cup, the European Championships and the World Championships. Which were the most impressive champions? Of which bloodlines were the winners made of? And where to does the journey go in the next couple of years?

This year’s final of the show season had quite some highlights to offer. There was the Triple Crown Winner Gallardo J of European breeding with Polish roots. And there was, of course, the brilliant winner at Aachen and Paris, EKS Alihandro, who made an impression with his offspring as well. And there was this moment of goose bumps, when during the stallion class in Paris the crescendo of “Sound of Silence” burst the tension, and the inevitable “We are the Champions” at Aachen, when the “gladiators” entered the ring.
No doubt, the three big shows at the end of the season are competing every year for the favour of the exhibitors. The All Nations Cup is supposed to be developed into “little Scottsdale”, and therefore the event, including the German Nationals, has been extended over four days. While the European Championships are much more modest, as they have to do without most of the participants from the Middle East, and the World Championships, forced into the restrictions of the Salon du Cheval, cannot cope with much more than 100 horses, of which – much to the disappointment of the organiser Christiane Chazel – there were only 78 present this year.

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Gudrun Waiditschka