Arabische Pferde – IN THE FOCUS

Battle of the Giants

The “Triple Crown Shows” 2017

If we consider the three big shows to be something like the trendsetters of the “Arabian industry”, then perhaps we can look forward to the return of the greys. And also the long string of victories of the Arab countries seems to be a little bit curtailed, as four medals went to Europe and the USA at this year’s World Championships.

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If you look at the medal winners of the last two years, you will find numerous names over and over again: Mozn Albidayer, D Ajayeb, Alexxanderr, AJ Azzam, Morion, DA Alihandra, Melody J, Cyclone OS, Pustynia Kahila, Belladonna T, Tehama Ballalina, Equator, Equiborn KA – all of them had won Gold, Silver or Bronze in the two previous years, and again this year. Do we have so few good horses? Or so few owners, who are prepared to take all the effort and expenses, to bring their horses to one of the three big shows? But if we continue to weave this thread, then we realize how small this “show circus” actually is.

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Gudrun Waiditschka