These days, the nine-year-old, dark bay Chimeryk (Eryks / Chimera) from Michalow arrived at Tersk, where he will stand at stud for the seasons 2017 and 2018. In return, the stallion Kurier (Egis / Kazna) has travelled to Michalow.
As a yearling, Chimeryk was Junior Champion at the Bialka show in 2009 and Top Five at the Polish National Championships. He was also trained under saddle and participated in various national and international riding competitions in Janow Podlaski.
The 1,61 m tall stallion Kurier, bred in Chrenovoje, raced 22 times, and won 7 races; he is supposed to strengthen the Michalow racing programm. Kurier’s sire Egis was born in Michalow, but was sold at five years old to the US, from there to Great Britain and later on to Russia.