One of the best Polish stallions died a few days ago: Esparto (Ekstern / Ekspozycja). In the show ring, he has won numerous titles, e.g. he was Polish National Champion, All Nations Cup and European Champion. During 2007 – 2008, he was leased to Sh. Ammar in Ajman and won Champion titles in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.
But he was not only a show horse, he also convinced as sire: He stood at stud in Bialka for two seasons, and left some excellent offspring there: Peron (out of Perolia by Gazal Al Shaqab), Polish Reserve Junior Champion 2011, and Perfinka (out of Perfirka by Gazal Al Shaqab), Polish Reserve Junior Champion 2012; both were able to stand up against their peers with well-known “fashion sires”, such as Enzo, Eden, QR Marc, Om El Bellissimo and Om El Shahman.

R.I.P. – Esparto (Ekstern / Ekspozycia)

Perfinka (Esparto / Perfirka), Polish Reserve Junior Champion 2012