No. 3/2021 (Vol. 27)

Nr. 3/2021 für Abonnenten

50 Jahre El Thayeba – Mit Leidenschaft und PassionTag der Offenen Tür – Nagel’s Katharinenhof und Al Qusar ArabiansVogelsberg-Araber – Erfolg braucht seine ZeitDenkanstösse – Rein, reiner am reinsten?Shagya-Europa-Championat – An historischer StätteBeständeschau Schweiz – “Wie ein Klassentreffen”Internationale Tage in Ströhen – Klein aber feinAraber-Festival in Stadl Paura – Kommt die Trendwende?Von Kunst und Künstlern …

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Now or Never!

The cancellation of the All Nations Cup (ANC) came as a bit of a surprise for some, but less so for others. The reason that the corona situation is still incalculable and the financial risk is too great is probably only half the story – but that’s not the point here.I see the cancellation of …

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Pure, purer, purest?

Unto the pure all things are pure, according to the Bible, but not so much unto breeders of purebred Arabians. On the contrary, their (perfectly understandable) attempts to follow in the footsteps of the Bedouins and preserve only the purest desert bloodlines have yielded some strange and contrary results. Things were easier in the past. …

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