
Here’s to the next 50 years!

For their 50th anniversary, the Austrian Arabian Breeding Association (ÖAZV) invited to a special anniversary show in Stadl Paura. From humble beginnings in 1972, an active breeding community developed, which cultivates the breeding of the Shagya Arabian in particular. Due to Austria’s proximity to Hungary, Shagya Arabs kept coming to the country,e.g. in 1967, when …

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Necessity is the mother of invention

The first Online-Tournament for Shagya Arabians Just as a few committed Shagya friends founded the “Association for the Promotion of Shagya Arabians in Classic Equestrian Sports” earlier this year, the corona pandemic put an end to the urge to get active. Even before you could be invited to the first tournament for “Arabian Sport Horses …

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The European Champions of Shagya-Arabians

All results, all Champions in the photo gallery.More photos on our photo agency website. Download the results here:

“Shagya” – A Sireline as well as a Breed Name

With the stallion Shagya db, the sireline named after him was founded at Bábolna Stud. Representatives of this line all carried (in former years) the name “Shagya” and a string of numbers, which are quite confusing for beginners. Only in the 20th century, his name became also the breed name, which correctly should state Shagya-“Arabian”. …

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Wie der Shagya-Araber nach Eritrea kam

Anfang Dezember wurden vom ungarischen Nationalgestüt Bábolna ein Minigestüt bestehend aus acht Shagya-Arabern und einem Huculen-Hengst nach Eritrea geliefert, in Begleitung von 1500 Hähnchen und 100 Kaninchen. Aufgrund der großen Entfernung war der beste Weg für die Tiere auf dem Luftweg, und so flog die kleine Truppe vom Flughafen Sármellék in einer kalten Dezembernacht ab. …

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Unsere Leser berichten – Shagya-Araber auf Turnierkurs

Am ersten Wochenende im Juni fand in Hörste die diesjährige Ausgabe der Veranstaltung “Araber in Westfalen” statt, die sowohl Reit- als auch Schauklassen beinhaltet und die Vielseitigkeit und Schönheit des Arabischen Pferdes zum Motto hat. In zahlreichen sportlichen Wettbewerben konnten Pferde mit einem arabischen Blutanteil von mindestens 25 % ihre Fähigkeiten in Dressur- und Springprüfungen …

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Unsere Leser berichten – Wintertraining und Ziele für 2018

Santiago, ShA-Wallach (Samorrai / Mamaia), geb. 2009, Züchter: Sylvia Pollak „Santiago lebt bei uns am Haus mit drei anderen Pferden im Offenstall. Das Wintertraining sieht folgendermaßen aus: zweimal die Woche Ausritte alleine oder mit anderen zusammen, zweimal Dressur, einmal Longieren, einmal Springstunde und einmal Bodenarbeit und Halsringreiten. In der Saison 2018 wollen Santiago und ich …

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On Inspections Tour in USA

The Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry (PShR) held last year’s inspection early October at the Stafford Farm in Pleasant Plains, Illinois. Altogether seven horses, mares and geldings, were registered. The inspection included a veterinary examination, an exterior judgement, then free jumping, rideability test and interior test. The farm is located near to Springfield, the state capital of …

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Breeding Principles in Shagya-Arabians

In the course of the 19th century, a new cultural breed – the Shagya Arabian – was created by skillful selection using desert-bred Arabians and special damlines. This breed needs to be preserved with the help of a pure breeding program. The preservation of the purebred Shagya-Arabian on a high level has top priority. In …

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From the Orient to Europe

The hardship of life with the Bedouins in the desert created a very special horse. At the beginning of the 19th Century, these Bedouin horses came to Austria-Hungary and formed the foundation of what was later called the Shagya-Arabian breed. The first purchases of Original Arabians from the Arabian peninsula were made at the beginning …

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