Bedouin Heritage

Cover_MSD_2_Page-300pxThe Arabian horse breeder and practicing veterinarian Dr. Matthias Oster has taken on a huge and difficult task, which intends not only introduce us to the Arabian horse, but also explain its “background”, without which it wouldn’t be, what it is. And so, he devided his book into seven chapters “The Seven Pillars of Arabian Horse Breeding” (based on Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence): The Desert, The Bedouins, Strains of the Arabian Horse, Bedouin Tradition, The Bedouin Horse, Science, and The God who Cares.
About half of the book deals with the Bedouins, their history, society and the strains. No easy reading, which requires some knowledge about the Orient, but then you’ll often find the background information to many problems, which are currently plunging the Middle East into chaos.
The book sheds light on all these chapters with the help of citations by Orient travelers and experts of the last centuries, and put them into perspective. This is not an easy-to-read book, but in any case it is worthwhile reading, as it (finally) approaches the subject in a scientific manner. The book is in English language.
Dr. Matthias Oster (2016): “Bedouin Heritage”. 280 pages, over 300 photos, DINA4, Introdctory price 59 € (plus postage)
Published by self-publishing, available only from the author:,