ECAHO has introduced a “High Point System” for sports horses. All results of ECAHO Sports Competitions are taken into account and the award is given for three different levels: Novice, Advanced and Master.
Western Trail | LADY SCARLET*2004 (Pamir / Prada)R: Caroline Ericsson | If you can help with info and photo of this horse, please email to |
Western Reining | PRINCESS BARBIER: Åsa Bergström | If you can help with info and photo of this horse, please email to |
Traditional Arabian Riding | SWEET CARESS D*2006 (Nasheem Ibn Jashana / Sweet Miss D)R: Lisbeth Floor Bendixen | If you can help with info and photo of this horse, please email to |
Western Pleasure | PENTHOR*1994 (Abakan /Pengona HT)R: Angela van Duyvenbode | |
Classic Pleasure | MJ CANTRESS*2006 (JK Catalyst / SH Enchantress)R: Gaby van Keulen | If you can help with info and photo of this horse, please email to |
Show JumpingSpringen | ALL RAAIR: Anya Ernest | If you can help with info and photo of this horse, please email to |
Western Trail | VADIM*1999 (Hag-Viento / Massada)R: Brigitte Hirschböck | |
Western Reining | ZAHIMS NAVI*2000 (Zid Ibn El Zahim / India)R: Nathalie Pauli | |
Western Pleasure | EL TROCADERO*2008 (Psyrasic / Kashida)R: Karin Lenhard | |
Classic Pleasure | MAMLAKEE*2011 (DF Malik Jamil / Maaza)R: Fabian Hellstern | |
DressageDressur | HAIFI EL SORRENTO*2005 (BS Specific / Haifi Dinjah)R: Susanne Hoyler | |
Show JumpingSpringen | ZUNNAHN(El Nabila B / Zalotna)R: Mikaela Mårtensson | If you can help with info and photo of this horse, please email to |
Western Trail | GFH SANDHYA*2012 (Baikal / Desert Safanad)R: Andre Reitermayr | |
Western Reining | WAS ZAHIMS ZARINA*2009 (Zid Ibn El Zahim /WAS Tarisha Bint Taraszena)R: Sabrina Pauli | |
Western Reining | GFH SONAR SEGANGES*2009 (Ganges / Sonara)R: Reinhard Hochreiter | |
Ladies Side Saddle (W&C) | MUTEEA W’RSAN(Monarch AH / Medeia)R: Line Moen | |
Traditional Arabian Riding | MUTEEA W’RSAN(Monarch AH / Medeia)R: Line Moen | |
Western Pleasure | WAS ZAHIMS ZARINA*2009 (Zid Ibn El Zahim /WAS Tarisha Bint Taraszena)R: Sabrina Pauli | |
Classic Pleasure | HAIFI EL SORRENTO*2005 (BS Specific / Haifi Dinjah)R: Susanne Hoyler | |
DressageDressur | PADRONS MUST*2002 (Padrons Immage /Bint Pustinia)R: Tove Røy | |
Show JumpingSpringen | WALOR(Aslan / Wyprawa)R: Daria Klimecka |