Innerhalb von wenigen Jahren hat sich Susanne Hoyler mit dem Vollblutaraber-Wallach Haifi El Sorrento an die Spitze der FN-Ranglistenpunkte aller arabischen Rassen hochgearbeitet. Wer die Turniersaison dieses Jahr ein wenig verfolgt hat, der wird sich über das Ergebnis unserer FN-Ranglisten-Statistik nicht wundern: Haifi El Sorrento (v. BS Specific) hat mit seiner Reiterin Susanne Hoyler fleißig …
No. 1/2017 (Vol. 9)
Apr 07 2017
Nutritional Needs of the Endurance Horse
Due to domestication, stabling and riding, we have to feed our horse with an adapted ration of food, to compensate for his decreased grazing time and increased burning of energy. When the horse moves forward for several hours, the repeated muscle contractions require energy provided by the burning of fat. It needs obviously more than …
Apr 05 2017
Prikhot – The Birth of a Legend
Russian Damlines – Rodania (I) In this first part about the legendary mare Prikhot, Russian registrar Alexander Shemarykin introduces us to her ancestors, that came as foundation stock from England to Tersk stud. If we talk about the development of racing families in the Arabian breed in general, breeders and owners of racehorses have said …
Apr 04 2017
A Window to the Past
The Desertbred horses of Bahrain Bedouin stories are part of the folklore and history of the Arabian horse. But hardly any breeder of today has a clear image, of how these Bedouin horses actually looked like. On the contrary, the “piece of art”, as we know it from the show ring today, is regarded as …
Apr 04 2017
Royal Horses – The Sireline of Bairactar
There are only very few Arabian stallions, which have had an influence on horse breeding as lasting as the desertbred stallion Bairaktar, imported 1817 for the Royal Private Stud of Weil-Scharnhausen. He was imported from the Orient exactly 200 years ago and not only did he have a worldwide influence on Arab horse breeding since …
Mar 23 2017
Endurance at a Crossroads (II) –
The Bouthieb-Initiative in Abu Dhabi
The Bouthieb Initiative wants to get endurance riding back to its old values, where more horsemanship and less speed are awarded. One who wants to change the attitude of his countrymen to the horse and the endurance sport by giving a good example and by teaching the young generation, is H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed …
Mar 23 2017
Endurance at a Crossroads (I) –
The Misery in Dubai
During the season 2016/2017, twelve horses died in the United Arab Emirates during endurance competitions. This must come to an end! After all the bad news we reported in our last issues, I was desperate to write something positive about endurance, because it is a wonderful sport that suits the horse, if done correctly and …
Feb 02 2017
Über die Regenbogenbrücke – Gandalf VM
Viel zu früh ist der Leistungssportler Gandalf VM Anfang Januar aufgrund einer schweren Kolik über die Regenbogenbrücke gegangen. Gandalf war ein Ausnahmehengst – nicht nur aufgrund seiner Leistung und sportlichen Erfolge, auch durch seine Abstammung: Gezogen wurde er von Melitta Burger aus einer Vollblutaraberstute Ghani Bint Khaled in Anpaarung mit dem Trakehner Konvoi, der seinerseits …