The Gidran is the classical Anglo-Arabian of Hungary, and much admired for its characteristics, such as his suitability for jumping and eventing. It is also a rare breed, of which there are only a couple of hundred broodmares left. About a third of them live today at the Hungarian State Stud Mezöhegyes.

The Gidran breed is a rare breed with a 200-year-old history, starting during the K.K. Monarchy. It was in 1816, when Baron von Fechtig bought several Arabian horses in the Near East and brought them to Europe. Among them was the 5-year-old chestnut stallion Siglavy Gidran whom he sold to Bábolna for 2800 fl. In Bábolna, he was used between 1818 and 1824, leaving more than 100 offspring. One of these was Gidran II (Sigl. Gidran db / Arrogante (Spanish)) *1818. When he was transferred to Mezöhegyes, he became the foundation stallion of the Gidran breed. Every Gidrán in existence today can be traced to this one stallion.

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