
Kommentar zu den WEG – Verraten und verkauft

Fassungslosigkeit, Wut, Proteste, Rücktritte, ziviler Ungehorsam. Die WEG 2018 hat alle Befürchtungen der Distanzsportler übertroffen. Veranstalter, Offizielle und die FEI haben sich an Inkompetenz selbst übertroffen. Hilfsangebot aus UAE Wäre es nicht zum Heulen, könnte man drüber lachen. Spanien und Frankreich trennten noch rund 20 km von einem Medaillenregen (wie viele Kilometer weiß keiner aufgrund …

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Im Wandel der Zeit

Vielleicht muß eine Situation erst völlig verfahren sein, bis sich die Einsicht durchsetzt, dass man neue, andere Wege gehen muß, um etwas zu ändern. Wenn in einem so großen Land wie Deutschland, nur noch etwa zehn Züchter “Schaupferde” züchten, wenn nur noch drei bis vier Aussteller sich auf internationales Parkett trauen, dann ist die “Schauszene” …

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The Pity Scam

Hardly a day goes by without hearing about a few pitiable foals or yearlings who are somewhere at the butcher and have to be sold until the day after tomorrow, otherwise, they will become sausage. And yes, there is also a whole range of Arabian horses among them, from different sources, some with very good …

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The Responsibility of the Breeder

For quite some years, genetic tests for congenital diseases such as Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) and Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) are available. Much educational work was undertaken, to explain the inheritance of this trait to the breeders and to give advise on how to avoid an affected foal. Also thanks to these genetic tests, the witch …

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Better Late than Never

Almost 12 years ago (!), I have written the following article for the ARABER JOURNAL magazine (no. 2/2006). It is frightening, that we still have the very same problems!! For too many years, the Arabian horse was mainly promoted as a show horse. But with declining numbers in shows some people woke up. However, changing …

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Back to Nature

Some reports may be exaggerated when stating that some children believe that cocoa comes from brown or even purple cows. But an alienation of humans from nature can not be denied – and it begins in childhood. If children spend most of the day using electronic media rather than playing outdoors, or deal with animals, …

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The Spirits that I called!

For days now, we are haunted by photos and videos of an American “wonder foal” on social media and the world wide web, whose head is highly acclaimed by the one and supposedly worth 7 million dollars, and is branded by the others as Hunchback of Notre Dame, as a malformation. The British Veterinary Association …

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The Power of the Judges

Dear Judges, I am writing you this Open Letter to ask you: “Where do you see our breed and the show scene in – say – five to ten years from now? And are you aware that it is YOU who determines the path?” Are you aware that every time you give a score, you …

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An den Rand gedrängt…

Kommentar zum Deutschen Nationalen Championat 2017 Am Donnerstag, den 21. September fand das Deutsche National-Championat in Aachen statt, eingebettet in das All Nations Cup Festival, eine der wichtigsten Veranstaltungen im europäischen, um nicht zu sagen im weltweiten Schaukalender. Moment mal, “eingebettet”…? An den Rand gedrängt, trifft es wohl besser! Mit 36 Pferden am Start hat …

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Without a Past no Future

At the moment, we are bombarded with “Jubilees”: “200 Years of Weil-Marbach breeding”, “200 Years of Janow Podlaski”, “200 Years of Shagya-Arabian breeding”. What was going on, 200 years ago, that “almost everything” started around that time? Quite simply, Napoleon had overrun Europe with his wars and had robbed it not only of his men, …

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