
Über die Regenbogenbrücke –
E.H. Assam (1983-2015)

Er starb so, wie er lebte – am 29. Dezember mußte E. H. Assam (Gharib / Aminah) in Folge eines Beckenbruchs nach einem Weideunfall eingeschläfert werden. Als einziger Trost bleibt, dass er sein Leben bis zur letzten Minute genossen hat, 32 Jahre jung, galoppierte er mit seiner Herzensdame Annouah um die Wette, als es passierte. …

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Über die Regenbogenbrücke –
Aristaza (1987-2015)

Mit dem Tod unserer Zuchtbegründerin Aristaza (Negatraz / Aristakata), unserer ältesten Stute, haben sich nun 2015 alle unsere drei Stammpferde auf “Bavaria Pferdesport” verabschiedet. Schon ihr erstes Fohlen Ariazar, das sie 4jährig bei uns zur Welt brachte, zeigte wohin die Reise züchterisch gehen sollte – in den Sport. Er wurde 11jährig mit seiner damals gleichaltrigen …

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Pianissima –
The Queen of Janow is Dead

Queen Pianissima is dead – this incredible message travels around the globe since this morning. She was the icon of Polish, yes, of global Arabian breeding. She was the most successful show horse of all time and she was a lovable personality, with friends around the globe, who brought her banana, one of her favorite …

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Über die Regenbogenbrücke – Normativ

And again, one of the performance stallions has left us by the rainbow bridge: The stallion Normativ (Mascat / Narta by Topol), born 1987 at the Russian State Stud Chrenovoje, peacefully died earlier this month. I saw him in 2003 at his last home, the Doubravsky Stud of Jürgen Schäfer in Czechia – what a …

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Over the Rainbowbridge – Vodolej

And another legend has left us: Vodolej now trots on greener pastures. Who does not remember his appearance at Aachen 2003, when he outtrotted any of the handlers who took him in turns. His trot was his trade mark, he was never tired to show himself trotting – goosbumps included. Horses like him will stay …

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Over the Rainbow Bridge – Ezz Ezzain

Born in Kuwait, Ezz Ezzain (Ansata Almurtajiz / Najeiah) was probably the most well-known representative of the breeding of Uzamah Al Kazemi in Europe, as this stallion had already a “guest performance” at the Egyptian Event in Dillenburg 2006, where he was Junior Champion. I saw the stallion again in 2010 in Egypt, at that …

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Über die Regenbogenbrücke – Esparto

One of the best Polish stallions died a few days ago: Esparto (Ekstern / Ekspozycja). In the show ring, he has won numerous titles, e.g. he was Polish National Champion, All Nations Cup and European Champion. During 2007 – 2008, he was leased to Sh. Ammar in Ajman and won Champion titles in Sharjah and …

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Über die Regenbogenbrücke – Maleik El Kheil

Nur einen Monat nach seinem 36. Geburtstag, ging Maleik El Kheil über die Regenbogenbrücke… Eine kleine Würdigung des Grand Seigneurs finden Sie als Geburtstagsgruß hier!

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