This & That

Über die Regenbogenbrücke –
E.H. Assam (1983-2015)

Er starb so, wie er lebte – am 29. Dezember mußte E. H. Assam (Gharib / Aminah) in Folge eines Beckenbruchs nach einem Weideunfall eingeschläfert werden. Als einziger Trost bleibt, dass er sein Leben bis zur letzten Minute genossen hat, 32 Jahre jung, galoppierte er mit seiner Herzensdame Annouah um die Wette, als es passierte. …

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Über die Regenbogenbrücke –
Aristaza (1987-2015)

Mit dem Tod unserer Zuchtbegründerin Aristaza (Negatraz / Aristakata), unserer ältesten Stute, haben sich nun 2015 alle unsere drei Stammpferde auf “Bavaria Pferdesport” verabschiedet. Schon ihr erstes Fohlen Ariazar, das sie 4jährig bei uns zur Welt brachte, zeigte wohin die Reise züchterisch gehen sollte – in den Sport. Er wurde 11jährig mit seiner damals gleichaltrigen …

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Commentary on the European Championships 2015

Icomprehensible! Just imagine the following: There is the two-year-old Morion, who got not only the highest score in his respective classes at the All Nations Cup, the European and World Championships, but the highest score of all Junior Males. Human understanding would expect at least, that he would come home with three medals. But far …

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Hans Brabenetz ist gestorben

“I mag nimmer” tönte es in letzter Zeit öfters aus dem Telefon. In der Nacht vom 20. Auf den 21. November ist der Pferdekenner und Hippologe Hans Brabenetz im Alter von 92 Jahren friedlich eingeschlafen. Seinen Militärdienst und Rekrutenausbildung absolvierte er beim Reiterzug, die Kriegszeit verbrachte Hans Brabenetz zumeist an der Ostfront, zwischendurch auch einige …

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(R)evolution of Reproduction

Thanks to modern reproduction technology, we have today a wide range of possibilities of how to bring oocytes (eggcells) and sperms together. But is everything that is technically possible also sensible, desireable and ethically justifiable? The fertility of his breeding stock is an important factor for any breeder not only with regards to breeding as …

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Pianissima –
The Queen of Janow is Dead

Queen Pianissima is dead – this incredible message travels around the globe since this morning. She was the icon of Polish, yes, of global Arabian breeding. She was the most successful show horse of all time and she was a lovable personality, with friends around the globe, who brought her banana, one of her favorite …

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Knowledge ensures Safety

The Arabian horse does no more or less than other breeds suffer from genetic defects, but each breed has some specific hereditary diseases, which breeders should know in order to make a responsible breeding plan. In the following article Alban Krösbacher explains the major hereditary diseases in Arabian horses, and those which are predominantely found …

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Selection of a Special Kind

Recently, I witnessed how a DC has actually applied and enforced the rules in the “Blue Book”. Much to the dismay of the affected exhibitors whose horses were disqualified because they did not show up on time in the collecting ring and thereby missed the common walk round in the main ring (see rule 23b …

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Über die Regenbogenbrücke – Normativ

And again, one of the performance stallions has left us by the rainbow bridge: The stallion Normativ (Mascat / Narta by Topol), born 1987 at the Russian State Stud Chrenovoje, peacefully died earlier this month. I saw him in 2003 at his last home, the Doubravsky Stud of Jürgen Schäfer in Czechia – what a …

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Thank You, Totilas!

There is currently a lot of turmoil and public outrage in dressage about the pictures seen of a “semi-lame” Totilas at the European Championship of dressage in Aachen. In addition, to make matters worse, there were “live” demonstrations of the infamous Rollkur by a representative of the Dutch team in the warm-up arena. Experts say …

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