At the age of 21, the chief sire Said (Pamir I / Sadana) of Marbach State Stud had to step off the stage of life – internal melanomas were increasingly bothering him.He belongs to the Bairaktar sire line via the Polish branch, and tails back to Murana I on the maternal side. The main and …
Jan 05 2021
ASS Kendal 1989 – 2020
At the age of 31, the Jacobs family in Belgium had to say goodbye to their stallion ASS Kendal (Tamarek / Eskada RJ). Kendal was Belgian National Champion several times in his days and he is the sire of national and international winners, both in the show and on the race track. But you can …
Jul 19 2020
Panika 1996 – 2020
She stood out wherever she appeared, because her “bloody shoulder” had slipped into her face. This mood of nature caused an almost brown half of the face of this elegant fleebitten grey mare. This marking was considered a sign of honor and sacrifice by the Bedouins.But the marking did not detract from her beauty – …
Jun 15 2020
Escalero 2005-2020
Escalero (Pyrrus / Escada III) aus der Zucht von Eleonore Hussmann war einer jener vielseitigen Familienaraber, weshalb wir die Rasse so lieben. Erst war er Rennpferd in Polen, unter seiner neuen Besitzerin Daniela Klein dann Sieger auf Distanzritten bis 64 km. Später wurde er “umgeschult” auf Springen, Vielseitigkeit und Dressur, Disziplinen in denen er von …
Apr 11 2020
Ernestyna 1989 – 2020
The dam of the stallion Ekstern, the mare Ernestyna (Piechur / Erwina) * 1989 died on April 6th in her home stud Michalow / Poland. Even if her breeding performance in terms of numbers is rather low – she had only five foals – she has an entry in the history books with her first …
Feb 28 2020
Tee 1995 – 2020
The currently most famous mare in El Zahraa, Tee (Adl / Bint Ibtisam) is dead, she died at the age of 25. The “Queen of El Zahraa” was considered the personified beauty of an Arabian mare and also left nothing to be desired in terms of her pedigree. During my visit to the Egyptian State …
Jan 30 2020
NK Hafid Jamil 1996 – 2020
NK Hafid Jamil (Ibn Nejdy / Helala) *1996 photo: Arlette Studer Breeders of Straight Egyptians mourn the stallion NK Hafid Jamil, who died at the age of 24. Born in 1996 in the stud of Dr. Hans-Joachim Nagel, he represented for many the ideal of the “Egyptian”, in particular he embodied the “Nagel look” to …
Dec 11 2019
Zagrobla 1994 – 2019
On December 8, the mare Zagrobla (Monogram / Zguba) died at the age of 25 years in her home-stud Michalow. She was one of the “legendary three,” Kwestura, Fallada, and Zagrobla, the three Monogramm daughters who won all the important championships for Michalow, bringing the fame of the stud to new heights. In addition to …
Jul 02 2019
Bajkal 1994 – 2019
Bajkal 1994 – 2019photo: G. Waidtischka He had proven himself in all branches of breeding and in sport, now Bajkal (Balaton / Rishah) died completely unexpectedly in June 2019. He achieved no less than four times at the Beständeschau a gold-premium prize, he was successful in endurance and under the Western saddle and was one …
Jun 15 2019
Psytadel 1998 – 2019
Psytadel 1998 – 2019photo: Emma Maxwell One of the greats is no more: Psytadel died at his new home in Iran at the age of 21 years. Bred in the USA, he moved to Belgium as a weanling, owned by James Swaenepoel. He was one of the first sons to draw attention to his sire, …